The Feral Child
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- Movement: Arrow Keys / WASD Keys / or Hold Down Left Mouse Button in direction of movement. When climbing a tree, use left/right to rotate clockwise/counterclockwise.
- Jump: Spacebar / Right Mouse Button. Use jump to get onto trees. To leap from a tree in a certain direction, hold down the direction while jumping.
- Zoom: Mouse Scrollwheel up/down
- Pause: P
- Reload: R
- Quit: Escape
As a feral child raised by flying squirrels in the forest, race against time to warn your forest friends of the coming danger, so that they may escape to safety.
This is a game made for the Public Domain Jam 2 (#PDJam). It is inspired by The Jungle Book (1894), a collection of short stories, best known for the adventures of a feral child raised by wolves in the jungles of India, and fighting against an evil tiger.
In my twisted modern 3D action/platformer interpretation, Mowgli (the feral child) is raised by flying squirrels in the Boreal Forest in Canada, and is heading to meet her bear friend named Baloo. Shere Khan (the tiger) is represented by tiger-striped logging machines that are destroying the forest. Mowgli must leap through the trees to warn her forest friends in time for them to escape their impending doom.
Unfinished - I ran out of time. There's just a tutorial and beginning, but no middle or end of the story. However there is a whole forest to explore. If you make it all the way to the end of the map (where you can see the far northern edge of the world) before the machines do, then consider yourself a winner! This would have been the plot if I had more time.
I didn't get a chance to make the respawn feature either, so press R to reload the level. (It messes up the FPS meter though).
I was originally making this game based on Tarzan, but found out late in the jam that Tarzan is not public domain even though it was written in 1912. I lost 2 days of the jam reworking it into Jungle Book.
Timelapse videos of the game development
- Ouch and Battle Cries sounds by 11linda. (CC By Attr 3.0)
- Construction_Bulldozer_Diesel.wav by Rincewind87 (CC0)
- Three Bass Thumps.wav by jspath1. (CC Sampling+)
- cutting_tree.wav by fkurz. (CC0)
- Night of the Owl by Kevin Macleod ( (CC By Attr 3.0)
- Solid Moss Patch texture by Matt Dirks. ( noncom. license)
- Mossy Cliff Face texture by Sean VanGorder (Gametextures noncom. license)
- Gill Tree font by Matias Canales Gonzalez (noncommercial license)
Install instructions
Extract the zip file to a folder, and run the game from the folder. (Do not try to run the game while still inside the zip file!)